Weapons Re-Assessment Qualifications
Renewing Your Licence
General Information
To continue holding a licence and firearms in your possession you must ensure that you make application for the renewal of your licence at least a day prior to the expiry date of your licence. However, the sooner you can apply, the sooner it can be processed.
Form 6A – Application to Renew Licence is required to renew a licence. This form along with your genuine reason and fees must be lodged at your local Queensland Police Station.
A courtesy renewal package is mailed out to licence holders three months before the expiry of their licence.
To assist applicants these packages include explanations and appropriate warnings of the need to meet legislative timeframes. The provision of the renewal package is a courtesy extended by the Queensland Police Service to assist licence holders in the renewal process. In addition, the emphasis is on the licensee to ensure that they renew their licence within the legislative timeframes.
If you have not updated your address details and/or not received your renewal package, obtain Form 6A – Application to Renew Licence, complete it, and lodge it at your local Queensland Police Station, at least a day prior to the expiry date.
If you have changed address since your licence was last issued, obtain Form 4A ‘Application for Change of Address of Address, Name and Weapons Storage Facility’, complete it, and lodge it at your local Queensland Police Station.