Crowd Controller
A crowd controller keeps order in a public place by:
screening the entry of people into a place
monitoring or controlling the behaviour of people in a place
removing people from a place.
For example, a hotel security guard needs a crowd controller licence but an usher does not.
All security providers must be fingerprinted by the Queensland Police Service. Once you've lodged your application, you will receive a letter from the Office of Fair Trading that outlines the process for having your fingerprints taken.
Training requirements for a new licence
To qualify for an unrestricted crowd controller licence, you must successfully complete the following competency units from the CPP07 Training Package:
Training Units:
CPPSEC2101 Apply effective communication skills to maintain security
CPPSEC2102 Apply legal and procedural regulations to work effectively within a security team
CPPSEC2103 Apply WHS, emergency response and evacuation procedures to maintain security
CPPSEC2104 Apply risk assessment to select and carry out response to security risk situations
CPPSEC2105 Provide quality services to a range of security clients
CPPSEC2106 Protect self and others using basic defensive techniques
CPPSEC2107 Patrol premises to monitor property and maintain security
CPPSEC2108 Screen people, personal effects and items to maintain security
CPPSEC2109 Monitor and control access and exit of persons and vehicles from premises
CPPSEC2110 Monitor and control individual and crowd behaviour to maintain security
CPPSEC2111 Apply security procedures to manage intoxicated persons
CPPSEC2112 Apply security procedures to remove persons from premises
CPPSEC2113 Escort and protect persons and valuables
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
SDS is not CRICOS Registered, therefore, overseas students who have a subclass visa 500 are not eligible to join our courses (this is a Government guideline).
The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) is an Australian Government register that lists all Australian education providers offering courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered.