HLTAID014 Provide advanced first aid
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide an advanced first aid response, including management of the incident and other first aiders, until the arrival of medical or other assistance.
The unit applies to workers who may be required to provide, coordinate and manage a first aid response across a range of complex situations, including community and workplace settings.
This course is delivered in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and applies to all workers or members of the community who may be required to provide CPR or advanced first aid in the event of an emergency, until the arrival of medical or other assistance.
This advanced first aid course covers a comprehensive range of topics to enable participants to confidently manage emergency situations and provide an advanced first aid response to a casualty. It covers a variety of complex emergency events with an advanced first aid response.
Advanced First Aid equips the participant for emergencies in both basic and a high-risk environment and includes the effective use of one and two person CPR and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This program is organised in a progressive manner that allows the participant to become proficient with the basic skills before progressing onto more complex ones.
In this two-day course, students will participate in the practical activities required for advanced first aid. It is appropriate for experienced first aiders and people who complete their training regularly.
Assessment is through a combination of practical first aid activities and a written assessment paper.
You will be required to demonstrate CPR on a manikin on the floor.
Course Duration
2-day in-class face to face with practical training
Roles and responsibilities of the first aider
The DRSABCD action plan and responding to emergency situations
Managing unconscious casualties
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Bag valve mask resuscitation
CPR techniques on adults, children and infants
Using a defibrillator (AED)
Legal issues in first aid
Infection control
Heart attack
Wound and bleeding management
Fractures and dislocations
Sprains and strains
Head and facial injuries
Spinal injuries
Medical emergencies
Abdominal and chest injuries
Heat and cold-induced conditions
Poisoning management
Bites and Stings
Needlestick injuries
Febrile convulsion
Incident reporting
Basic Emergency Childbirth